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5 July 2024

Wave rave about Munzie Thind.

by Andrew MacGregor


Wave Studios have a new senior sound designer in the form of Munzie Thind. The move reunites him with brother Parv, a fellow GCRS alumnus and proof that talent runs in the family.

What say we leave the pair to catch up and hear from Wave owner Warren Hamilton, eh? "We are delighted to welcome into the company Munzie Thind—an extremely talented sound designer and mixer who we've admired and respected for a long time.

"It's an incredibly exciting time for Wave," Hamilton says, "and with Munzie among our ranks we believe he fits perfectly into the gifted team we have here. Congratulations, Munzie, and we look forward to all the brilliant work we know you'll produce."

For more on how Munzie Thind can enhance your next project, ring Lucy Spong on 020 7439 8080 or email lucy.spong@wavestudios.co.uk.

David Reviews is hand-crafted at 7 Seven Sisters, Lenzie, Glasgow, G66 3AW. Editor: Jason Stone. Phone: 0141 776 7766. E-mail: jason@davidreviews.com.