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24 October 2017

ADCAN Awards 2017.

by Andrew MacGregor


The fourth annual ADCAN Awards hit Los Angeles for the 2017 final. The Mill's LA offices welcomed contestants and industry bigwigs alike as the competition announced this year's winning entries.

Once again, entrants crafted a 30" or 60" film for a charitable cause. This year's selection included sustainable energy suppliers, gender equality charities, and food salvage groups.

Eighty-two films were submitted this year, with UK entrants dominating the winning entries. London-based directors Jack Meredith and Ato Yankey impressed City Harvest with some tasty prop work.

The transatlantic field ensured a variety of approaches. Miami directors Adri Lodolo and Camilo Barria scooped the Grand Prix title thanks to their lucha libre effort - with Seņor Sol bringing extra muscle to solar power.

Lodolo and Barria say: "We are continually seeking creative spaces to express ourselves, and ADCAN inspired us to use our voices for something meaningful, to make an impact, and help other people improve their lives."

ADCAN has an infectious domino effect of positivity going for it.


Grid Alternatives welcomed Lodolo and Barria's bright ideas. In keeping with the current climate, the duo also urge advertisers to adopt an "inclusive language" and ditch easy stereotypes .

Who will grace the blue carpet next year?  

Such progressive thinking makes the job worthwhile for ADCAN Executive Director Eric Voegel: "ADCAN has an infectious domino effect of positivity going for it: we take the opportunity to shine a light on causes we care about, which in turn inspires a large group of talented, emerging artists to do the same."

So, what next for ADCAN's up-and-comers? As ever, a heap of workshops and networking sessions with some of the industry's leading production houses will offer sage advice on how to build on their success.

All winners and shortlisted entrants will enjoy continued support from ADCAN. Meanwhile, completionists can watch all of 2017's top picks here.

David Reviews is hand-crafted at 7 Seven Sisters, Lenzie, Glasgow, G66 3AW. Editor: Jason Stone. Phone: 0141 776 7766. E-mail: jason@davidreviews.com.